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We start with the names of two geniuses, William Shakespeare and his contemporary authority of the cipher, Francis Bacon.

Shake Bacon

In this arrangement, we will focus our attention on the following frame.

We regard these “am” and “is” as English “be”, and identify them.

The left part can be read as

This means “Dislodge Bacon”. According to it, we divide the name William Shakespeare. In (SB2), we cut off front five letters “”Shake” of “Shakespeare” and “Willi” of “William”. We apply same operation to “speare” and get “spear_e”, which  in turn can be regarded as cutting off the last letter “e” also, so we treat “Willi” similarly, and get “Will_i”.

Without loss of the meaning , we trace (SB5) from left to right as possible, or right to left if we cannot do so. Since we don’t have a question mark in (SB5), we should make this into an affirmative sentence as possible. Then we trace the words in (SB5) in the order of following numbers.

In (SB6), 1→2 and 3→4 go back. Following these, we try to make 6→5. But “e spear” must be “e speares”. Trying to get compensation for this lack of “s”, we cut off “s” from “spear”, and get “s_pear_e”.

This means that the sprout “e” grows into “pear e”, and “s” of “s pear” is a stalk end.

We regard “I will shake am. e spear(s).” as the pruning. (SB3) and “shake am” yield

We regard this as cutting “is”, the edge of the branch “Francis”. Recall the position of cutting in real pruning of a pear tree. The cut branch “Franc” must dangle the fruit “e” under “c” through the stalk end “s”.

Wresting away the fruit “e”, we take “e” with a piece of the stalk end “s”.

Now ҽ makes a by half rotation. Note that real cedilla comes from Greek zeta, though ours comes from the letter “s”. By the half rotation, we get

Backing this pear fruit “a” to the pear tree, we get

Backing in (SB12) further, we get

What is the French bacon? We consider this by back in time. English word “bacon” comes from old French word “bacon” which means English back.

As observed so far, the operations in (SB6), (SB12), (SB13) are “back”.


Now the pear fruit “a” is a part of the pear tree. In Latin, pear fruit is “pyrum”, and pear tree is “pyrus”. So we may say (SB12) means that “pyrum” becomes “pyrus”.

Note that “pyrus_is” can be obtained also by the ascent of “am” from the lowest line of

as follows.

We will sum up our operations up to now.

Among these the peculiar is our cedilla, which comes from “s”. However, the true one comes from Greek zeta, which is the ancestor of Latin letter “z”.

Following to cut of front 1 letter in (v), we can go further.

Making spaces even in both lines, we have

Here we find Z shaped “am_i_s”, which can be read as “Am I s?” This must be the reference to our making cedilla, by the true cedilla Z. Similar shape in larger size can be found at its left. It can be traced like 2←1, 4←3, and 6←5 in (SB6), along three arrows from right to left. Then it geves “ill_ W_iF_c_ran”, i.e. “ill W if c ran.”

“ill W” can be considered as the letter W of prone posture, i.e. the letter “M”. So

Now the true cedilla Z says “M if c ran.”. True cedilla changes the pronunciation of “c” into “s”. But the prominent change through our making “Bacon Français” is (SB12), i.e. (SB15). Essentially

What should we call such function that changes the shape of “m” into “s”? True cedilla changes the pronunciation of “c” into “s”. So we should call our function “medilla”. Backing in “medilla”, we get

This is the assertion that our two geniuses are identical. Our medilla is invisible, like the secret identity. We can only recognize it with the appearance of “pyrus”.

Surprisingly, many cuts in our operation coincide with many sword battles in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet as we see below.

In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Mountagues and Capulets had caused three conflicts in the older generation. In Romeo and Juliet Act 1, Scene 1 ([1] pp.86-87), Prince ESCALUS says

         Three civil brawls bred of an airy word

         By thee, old Capulet, and Montague,

         Have thrice disturb’d the quiet of our streets

In new generation, Tybalt kills Mercutio, then Romeo kills Tybalt, and lastly Romeo kills Paris. Past three conflicts correspond to first three cutting of front 5 letters in (SB24). And

By Mercutio’s death, we get “Will”, which eventually makes “ill W” i.e. “M”, the initial of Mercutio. By Tybalt’s death, we get “pear”, which eventually makes a part of pear tree, then tree and Tybalt have same initial “T”. These make us notice that

It is reasonable that (i) is the death of a person belongs to Romeo’s side denoted by cutting rear 1 letter, whereas (ii), (iii), and (iv) are the deaths of persons belong to Capulets’ side denoted by cutting front 1 letter.

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