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Magna Carta Sword 9

 We can find “LONG T” at (a), and “LONG TIE” with two words tending to the central T at (b). Then we notice that they tend to central “BRITISH”. These three takes the figure of large long T in (b). We let Tt denote the large long T. Tt can be read as “BRITISH LONG TIE”. This denotes the personal union on the long GREAT BRITAIN island, supported by the long-term tie of two kingdoms. This must be the proof of the King James I era.

At (b), prominent right ends can be traced upward as “IS SHE IN T(?)”. Then we find Francis Bacon’s answer “NO” in lower, and “IT E” in upper, which can be extended to

“IT ET”. These make us notice “SHE” means Elizabeth Tudor, the Queen Elizabeth I, and Tt can also denote Tudor England, and


    FB=Francis Bacon


has been almost proved. Of course “NO” means the Queen had passed at this time.

We should use Tt as a substitute for “cross gules”, since it says “BRITISH LONG TIE” and can also denote Tudor England. To use it as a part of flag, we make four branches of the cross even as in (c). In (b), [LONG] goes through Francis Bacon and is stuck into GAOL. But in (c), [ONG] is not stuck into GAOL any more. This means the release of Francis Bacon. So our new substitute is correct. ONG can be read as “NO G”. Further, we find Bacon’s “NO C ISNT G”. This must be “NO, C ISN’T G” as a reference to the 6th letter at the beginning. Use of this apostrophe is guaranteed by following consistency.

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